

单词 Radley College
Radley College
  • 简明释义
  • 拉德利公学
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    ...衣服), Radley (包) 圣保罗学校一直维持着很低的录取率,每年在中国录取1-4人。7.皇家文理学校Royal...拉德利学院(Radley College)是一所男校。相对于其他著名的公立学校,拉德利学院(.

  • 2


    ...拉德利公学(Radley College),与伊顿齐名的英国四大全寄宿制学校之一,仿佛总是掩藏在一层神秘的面纱下。

  • 3


    拉德利中学(Radley College)是英国最著名的私立男子寄宿学校之一。虽然该校入学要求没有像其他同等学校那样严格,但该校教育丝毫不逊色,优异的GCSE和A-leve...

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    His impressive career scholarships to Radley and Brasenose College, Oxford, the Bar in 1936, silk (Queen's Counsel) in 1957, High Court judge in 1961 had led him by 1965 to become the first chairman of the Law Commission, which was set up by the Labour government to rationalise and codify the statutory laws of England.

    ECONOMIST: Obituary: Lord Scarman | The





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