释义 |
- 读写后读:读写后读是一种将记录在介质上的数据与源数据进行比较的过程。一个典型的例子是CD刻录软件,在将CD-ROM刻录后进行读取,有效地确保写入的数据与复制的数据相同。
1 ?写后读 是Read After Write( 写后读) 的缩写,与字面意思相同是在记录后进行再现即校验的处 理。 2 ?写后读出 ... 写后读操作 read-after-write operation 写后读出 read after write 写后读磁头 read-after-write head ... 3 ?写后读相关 编译器保证同 一指令组中各指令之间不存在写后读相关( Read After Write , RAW) 和写后写相关 ( Write After Write , WAW) ,同一发射组内部不需要检查 R...
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He could not watch TV except for two programs a week, could not play with his friends after school until he finished his homework, and had to read two books a week and write book reports about them. 他一周只能看两个电视节目,放学后完成了家庭作业,才能和朋友们一起玩,而且每周必须读两本书,还要写关于这些书的读书报告。 - 2
GSD provides read-after-write consistency which basically means that an object can be accessed - listed, downloaded, or deleted – right after uploading. GSD提供了写后读的持久性,这意味着一个对象在上传后就可以访问了:列表、下载或是删除。 - 3
After lots of catching up and laughing, I'll go off for some time on my own to read and write in my notebook.