释义 |
- abbr.乡村免费邮递(Rural Delivery);请询问出票人(refer to drawer)
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Yes, but there’s a catch, explains Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D., a nutrition expert and author of “Read It Before You Eat It.” 是的,但也有要注意的,营养专家、也是《在吃之前读读它》一书的作者Bonnie Taub-Dix解释道。 - 2
From nutritionist Alana Unger, R.D., of The Lifestyle Center in Visalia, California, comes this sounds-weird-but-tastes-great idea for an on-the-go breakfast. 营养学家阿兰娜·昂格(在加州维赛利亚的生活中心工作)提出了这个听上去很奇怪但事实上适合打包的美味早餐概念。 - 3
Like the legendary “anti-psychiatrist” R.D. Laing before him, Bentall believes that people with mental health problems need understanding, support and respect. 正如其先驱---传奇反精神病学家R.D. Laing,本陶也相信精神病的患者需要的是理解、支持和尊重。