释义 |
- 持续性收入:指定期内持续、稳定地获得的收入,通常来自于投资、租金或者版税等。
1 ?经常性收入 华联企业(OUE)在未来四年内,将通过资产增值(asset enhancement)计划,提升集团的经常性收入(recurring income)。 2 ?经常收入 (吉隆坡25日讯)WCT置地(WCTLAND)为提高经常收入(recurring income),将在新购置的格拉那再也地段兴建购物广场及办公楼,作为出租用途。 3 ?续生收入 ... realized income 已实现利益, 实际收入 recurring income 经常性收入, 续生收入 regular income 固定收入 ... 4 ?经常 ... realized income 已实现利益, 实际收入 recurring income 经常*收入, 续生收入 regular income 固定收入 ...
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The loans also give them recurring income to fall back on when market conditions worsen. 当市场行情恶化时,贷款的持续收益将成为他们的救命稻草。 - 2
Selling Products or Services - the most time consuming strategy, but in many cases one of the most reliable, especially if you build recurring income streams. 销售产品或服务 -最耗费时间的战略,但在许多情况下,最可靠的,尤其是如果您建立经常性收入流。 - 3
In parallel they want to clean up the income statement, so that changes in the value of assets or liabilities are separated clearly from recurring revenues and costs. 与之平行他们还想清理损益表,以便将资产与负债的价值变动同再发生的收入与成本清晰的区分开来。