...ets)开设的商人法院 Court Merchant 国王的审判权国王 — 正义源泉 – 行使审判权 两种形式:国王的诉讼(Pleas of the Crown) 民事诉讼 Common Pleas 需要有民众陪审团/告发制度设立国王的诉讼: 管辖范围:国王收入/告发重罪案件/占有诉讼 审判:自治体法...
TheCrown accepted their guilty pleas to the charge of culpable homicide.
BBC: John Auld
Smith and Parker had their pleasof not guilty to murder accepted by theCrown when they admitted assaulting Ms Spence and attempting to defeat the ends of justice.
BBC: Lynda Spence trial: Ex-accused 'did not see murder'
At the earlier hearing theCrown had accepted not guilty pleas by Bufton, 33, of Ty Gwynt, Llanarth, Usk, Monmouthshire, who had faced three charges in connection with the christening.