再这样下去我要疯了 ? If this continues I will crazy 请出示您的护照 ? Please show me your Passport 当我的朋友处于困难中,我帮助他 ? When my friends are in serious trouble, I helped him ..
请出示护照please show me your passport 请举起双臂(为了检查) please raise your arms 请把随身物品放在篮子里please put your belongings in the basket ..
...终结算以实际发生金额为准 ? Final settlement subject to the actual amount 请出示你们的护照 ? Please show me your Passport 回到家,约翰一句话没说就走进了自己的卧室 ? Home, John did not say a word went into his bedroom ..
... 这对双胞胎在不同的班。 ? The twins in different classes. 请出示一下护照 ? Please show me your Passport 我喜欢骑自行车 ? I like to ride a bike ...