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愉快的岛 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?可爱的岛 Pleasant Island(可爱的岛),诺鲁一词或源于诺鲁语 Anáoero,意即“我去海滩”;德国殖民者把诺鲁称为
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This small, pleasant island is situated off the lake's south shore. - 2
Gulangyu is small gathering of fresh literature, the island has a pleasant climate throughout the year, without horses hustle and bustle, with flowers, known as "sea garden" reputation. 文艺小清新的聚集地鼓浪屿,岛上气候宜人四季如春,无车马喧嚣,有鸟语花香,素有“海上花园”之誉。 - 3
Hainan Island year-round pleasant weather, seasonal flowers, mineral, animal and plant resources. Tropical rainforests and mangroves of the rare forest types in China. 海南岛上终年气候宜人,四季鸟语花香,矿物、动植物资源丰富。热带雨林和红树林为中国少有的森林类型。