释义 |
玩弄一个想法 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?不大认真地考虑 一点也不知道, 完全不知道 play with an idea 不大认真地考虑, 半真半假地考虑 put ideas insb.'s head 使某人产生奢望; 使某人产生古怪念头 .
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We've got good wingers with a lot of pace and very experienced central midfield players, but you can't change tactics for one player, and the manager has an idea of how he wants to play. 我们有好的,速度快的边锋,以及老道的中场,但是并不能根据一个球员而改变球队的战术,毕竟,教练有他自己的想法。 - 2
"The bed was here, and the piano was there," she explained, approximating the distance with her hands, "so he could just jump down from the bed and play, if he had an idea." “床在这,钢琴就在那边,”她边用手大致比划着方位边解释,“那样他一有灵感就可以跳下床弹起来。” - 3
The cognitive process of designing a game begins with an idea. Sometimes it is a concept that we want to translate into play; 以游戏设计的认知程序来看,有时候我们是把一个概念转换成一种玩法;