To test that the Os work, click Play o and select a corner square as in Figure 7.
为了测试o能够运作,点击Play O按钮,然后选择一个角上的方格,如图7所示。
In addition, as part of its on-going acreage build strategy, Shell has acquired ~250, 000 net acres (1, 000 square kilometers) of mineral rights in the Eagle Ford shale play, in South Texas, in 2010.
此外,作为正在进行的创建战略中的一部分,壳牌石油2010年在美国德克萨斯南部的伊格福特区页岩(Eagle Ford shale)地区获得了净用地250000亩(1000平方公里)的采矿权。
But a spirit of consensus and fair play eventually won, and we got a square deal for everyone, including the pharmaceutical industry.