释义 |
- 对立,对抗:为了自己的利益而设置对立;进行对比。
- 完成(中断的比赛):完成中断的比赛。
- 通过附加赛决出胜负:通过附加赛来打破平局。
- 1
By playing off of something that everyone already knows--for example, a popular song, movie or a TV show--people will have a reference point to relate to your content. 使一些大家都知道的东西出丑——比如,一首流行的歌,一部电影或者一文件电视节目——观众会有一个参考点关联到你的内容。 - 2
So Musorgsky knew this law of acoustics because he was a professional musician and was playing off of it to create this rather unusual and remarkable musical sound-scape here. 穆索尔斯基明白这个声学规律,因为他是位专业的音乐家,他通过制造这非凡卓越的音乐场景,表达了这个规律 - 3
Instead, big countries jostle for a share of influence, knowing they cannot monopolise the scene; small and medium-sized powers struggle to keep room for manoeuvre by playing off would-be patrons. 相反,大国知道它们不可能垄断该地区,因而争抢着分享影响力;小国以及中等国家则通过让那些自诩的保护人彼此相斗而努力保持着自己的回旋余地。