释义 |
- 拿出王牌:在关键时刻采取出人意料的行动或策略。
- 做出惊人之举:采取引人注目或出人意料的行动。
1 ?拿出王牌 play a trump 拿出王牌, 做出惊人之举.. 2 ?做出惊人之举 拿出王牌, 做出惊人之举 play a trump 新天文台能有惊人之举 new observatory can do amazing things ..
- 1
We could, at long last, have a trump card to play against Darwin. - 2
Don't allow the pursuit of a dream trump your time to play and have fun. - 3
Also, this is a pretty clear area where social media could play a big role. Friends and family recipes clearly trump the random Posting on the Internet. 此外,在这个领域,社交媒体显然也能大显身手。朋友和家人发布的菜谱,显然比网民随便发布的略胜一筹。