释义 |
- 既往病史:指在购买健康保险或获得医疗保险计划之前已经存在的健康状况或疾病。
- 1
So the mental framework to believe that Obama is foreign probably was, to use a health care term, a preexisting condition. 所以使用一个医疗术语来说,心理上认为奥巴马是个老外可能是一个预存情况。 - 2
If your child has a preexisting condition, insurance companies, starting this year, will not be able to deny those children coverage. 假如你的孩子有保险排除条件,保险公司在第一年将不会拒绝孩子们的保险项目了。 - 3
I will never forget watching my own mother, as she fought cancer in her final days, worrying about whether her insurer would claim her illness was a preexisting condition. 我从未忘记在我母亲和癌症抗争的最后的那些日子,她总是担心保险公司会认定她的病是以前就有的而拒绝付费。