Brain health is crucial, but don’t panic over forgotten keys, recommends Elizabeth Somer, a dietician and author of Age-Proof Your Body.
著有《让身体长春不老》(Age-Proof Your Body)一书的饮食专家伊丽莎白·萨默(Elizabeth Somer)表示,大脑健康至关重要,但不要因为忘了带钥匙而惊慌失措。
On a recent morning, 14 people gathered in a windowless conference room at a local community college to get tips on how to age-proof their résumés and deflect questions about being overqualified.
One final irony: in 1950, at age 82, Millikan published his Autobiography, with Chapter 9 entitled simply "the Experimental Proof of the Existence of the Photon — Einstein's Photoelectric Equation."
最后一件讽刺的事情发生在1950年,82岁的密立根发表了他的自传,其中第九章的标题为“光子存在的实验验证—爱因斯坦光电方程”“the Experimental Proof of the Existence of the photon—einsteins Photoelectric Equation .”。