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1 ?预测研究 ...预测研究(Predictive Study) 预测研究又称趋势研究,是在有关研究对象的过去情况的资料和数据的基础上建立某种预测模型,并在进一步的多次观察中证实该模型与... 2 ?预测性研究 严格地说,1930-1960的研究不 能算是预测性研究(Predictive Study),它仅是描述财务比率在失败企业的特性与 趋势而已,并未探讨财务比率的预测问题。
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Seifert decided to employ a method she has studied, "predictive encoding," a process to prime her mind to recognize such a study partner if she happened upon him. 塞弗特决定采用一种她一直在研究的方法,“预测编码”,如果她恰巧碰上这么一个研究搭档,这种方法会指导她将其认出。 - 2
Therefore, the study says, "relying on IQ scores as a measure of intelligence may overestimate the predictive validity of intelligence." 因此,该研究称,“依靠智力测试来衡量智商可能高估了对智商预测的真实性。” - 3
Using data from the PICARD multi-center cohort study of ARF in critically ill patients, we developed several predictive models for prognostic stratification and risk-adjustment. 利用来自危重患者中PICARD ARF多中心队列研究的资料,我们得出了一些预后分层和风险调整预测模型。