... 结果输出逻辑部件 result output logical unit 结果树 resulting tree 结果数据项 result data item ...
What do you think about adding a attribute to XSL: output, such as xalan: debug which would cause all invocations to emit a comment into the resultingtree?
您认为向xsl: out put添加一个属性(例如xalan: debug)怎么样,该属性将使所有调用向产生的树中发出一条注释?
Manipulations like this (backed by the proper relational theory) are at the heart of database query optimizers. The resultingtree is shown in Figure 2.
The new filter API lets you examine and modify a document’s structure during parsing by asking a parser to accept, skip, or remove a node and its children from the resultingtree.
新的过滤器 API 使您可以在解析期间通过请求解析器接受、忽略一个节点及其子节点或者将它们从产生的树中删除,来检查和修改文档的结构。