释义 |
1 ?重复购买意向 顾客重复购买意向(Repurchase Intention)是顾客忠诚的主要测量指标之一。顾客的重复购买决策受诸多因素的影响,因而对影响顾客重购意向的要素进行分析成为近年来研究的焦... 2 ?重复购买意愿 所谓顾客“重复购买意愿”(repurchase intention,RI)是指顾客持续与供应商交易关系的愿望或倾向。
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Customers' repurchase intention, one of the major measurements for customer loyalty, is the object of this study. 文章将顾客重复购买意向这一顾客忠诚度的主要测量指标作为研究对象。 - 2
Research shows that customers perceived value, customer satisfaction, switching barriers, customer trust all have an impact on repurchase intention. 研究表明顾客感知价值、顾客满意、转换障碍、顾客信任对顾客重复购买意向都有影响。 - 3
At first, this paper has reviewed the theory about the service guarantee, service failure, service recovery, customer trust, affective commitment, repurchase intention and "Word-of-Mouth". 本文首先对服务承诺、服务失误和服务补救、补救后满意度、顾客信任、情感承诺、重购意向和口碑传播等相关理论作了回顾。