释义 |
1 ?印度 广州海运到印度(Republic of India),专业散货拼柜、整柜,每周五准时开船。 2 ?印度共跟国 ... 缅甸联邦 Union of Myanmar 印度共跟国 Republic of India 不丹 Bhutan ... 3 ?专业资料 ...中国客源国概况之印度 (1) 中国客源国概况之印度 (1)_财务管理_经管营销_专业资料。印度(Republic of India) 恒河圣水孕育的神圣国度,是佛教信徒心目中的西天净土, 更是世界四大古文明发祥..
- 1
The 10 ASEAN members, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, as well as Australia, India and New Zealand will attend the 1st East Asia Summit. 东盟10国、中国、日本、韩国和澳大利亚、印度、新西兰将参加首届东亚峰会。 - 2
Earlier this year, there were calls to include countries such as China, India and the Republic of Korea into the ISS program. - 3
We recognize that China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea and the United States share common interests in the energy area.