释义 |
1 ?预清洗 液晶词典,预清洗(pre-cleaning)-TN/STN,TFT,OLED,LCD,LCM,屏,液晶屏,液晶面板模组,lcd module,光学膜,背光,背光材料,LED,触摸屏,电容屏,电阻屏,驱动板,模组设备... 2 ?预清除 – 缺点: 调入所缺页面之前还要调出已修改页面, 缺页进程的等待时间较长,? 预清除(pre-cleaning): 该页被置换之前就调出, 因而可以成批调出多个页面。– 缺点: 可能形成不必要的开销。 3 ?预清洁 ALTUS DirectFill系统通过特有的技术简化了钨沉积工艺,该系统在第一个制程舱中集成了先进的预清洁(pre-clean)工艺 (利用惰性或活性气体) ,在其后的制程舱中使用了诺发公司专利所有的氮化钨(WN)脉冲晶核层(PNL? 4 ?清洗 标准的光蚀刻工艺、预清洗(pre-clean)以及蚀刻化学原理均适用于Insite嵌入式电阻电路的制作。
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Is a water break test performed every shift to ensure quality of pre-clean? - 2
It is capable of sensing its surroundings, and does not simply try to adhere to a pre-planned route, so it is not upset if furniture is moved, or if it is picked up and taken to clean another room. 能够感应它周围的环境,并不是简单地只按照设计好的线路走,所以,即使家具的位置发生了改变也难不倒它,你还可以把它拿起来,去清洁另一个房间。 - 3
Before the construction, it is necessary to clean the spot and check if there is Pre -embedded part of water heating electric and so on, if there is effect to lay and stick of the floor tile. 施工前,先清理现场,检查施工部位有没有水、暖、电等工种的预埋件,是否会影响板块的铺砌或铺粘;