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比利牛斯山脉, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
May my tears run just as far, that I might forget the River Piedra, the monastery, the church in the Pyrenees, the mists, and the paths we walked together. 但愿我的泪只是这样流下,或许我能够忘记琵卓河,修道院,比利牛斯山的教堂,轻雾,和那些我们曾经共同走过的小径。 - 2
May my tears run just as far, that I might forget the river Piedra, the 2 monastery, the church in the 3 Pyrenees, the mists, and the paths we walked together. 愿我的泪水流向远方,由此我将忘却这彼德拉河、修道院、比利牛斯山上的教堂、浓雾,还有我们两人共同走过的道路。 - 3
This country is located in the Pyrenees Mountains, with France on one side and Spain on the other. 这个国家位于比利牛斯山脉,一边是法国,另一边是西班牙。