释义 |
1 ?急性肺水肿 ...水肿定义、病因 熟悉急性肺水肿的临床表现、诊断方法 掌握急性肺水肿的治疗原则与护理,3,定义,急性肺水肿(Acute Pulmonary Edema)是指短时间内由多种病因引起肺组织液体量过度增多甚至渗人肺泡严重影响气体交换的一种病理状态。 2 ?急性心源性肺水肿 ...水平气道正压,急性心源性肺水肿,呼吸衰竭,老年人 [gap=956]Key words】 bilevel positive air pressure; acute pulmonary edema; respiratory failure; aged ... 3 ?肺水肿 Indications: encephaledema( 脑水肿), acute pulmonary edema(肺水肿), also used for decreasing ocular pressure(眼内压) during surgical operation to glaucoma(青光眼). 4 ?探讨急性肺水肿 主题:急诊 | 医源世界 年第2卷第8A期] 栏目 急性肺水肿的急诊特点及救治(附72例临床分析) 【摘要】 目的 探讨急性肺水肿(acute pulmonary edema,APE)的急诊特点及救治措施。方法 本文回顾性分析72例急诊APE病人的临床资料,以及对应用气管插管、人工机
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Nor was there any evidence that he was going into acute pulmonary edema. - 2
In this article, 32 cases of uremic acute pulmonary edema were reported. - 3
HF inhaled in high concentrations may cause glottitis (obstruction of the airway) and acute pulmonary edema.