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1 ?石膏线 ... PARTITION 隔板 屏风 PLASTER MOULDING 石膏线 RECESSED LIGHT 嵌灯 埋地灯 ... 2 ?抹灰线脚 ... plaster match ==> 石膏胎模 plaster moulding ==> 抹灰线脚 plaster of Paris ==> 煅石膏 ...
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This article analysis the cause of crazing defects in big and irregular fine potteries from materials, forming, firing, and plaster moulding etc. Then some feasible ways are brought up. 针对精陶大型、异型产品的开裂缺陷,从泥料、成型、烧成、石膏等多方面加以分析,从而找出了导致产品开裂的主要因素,提出了切实可行的解决方法。 - 2
Solid Hardwood Floor Finished On Site, 8 'Solid Doors, Plaster Crown Moulding Throughout. 实心硬木地板完成在位置,8 '实心门,石膏冠模制整个区域。 - 3
The features of the plaster mould, the production of equipment and tools, moulding process, plaster and repair techniques, and surface finishing were introduced. 介绍了木家具表面涂饰中生漆和不透明漆的涂装工艺、漆膜性能、常见漆病及解决对策。