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plasmin 英/ ?pl?zm?n / 美/ ?pl?zm?n / - 1
医药科学 纤溶酶 Conclusion:Naoxuebao had thrombolytic effect,but the effect had no relation with plasmin activating. 结论:脑血宝有溶栓作用,但其溶栓作用与激活纤溶酶无关。 总铁结合力 纤维蛋白溶解酶 纤维蛋白溶酶
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生物学 纤溶酶 In this dissertation, associated bacteria with plasmin made by ourselves previously was isolated by using the fibrin plate method. 本文的研究从分离产纤溶酶的枯草杆菌菌株开始通过自制的产纤溶酶菌筛选平板分离,菌落周围呈现较大透明环者。 经产纤溶酶菌筛选平板分离,选取活性最高者作为用于制备纤溶酶的菌株。 血栓溶酶 The Plasmin produced from Rhizopus chinesis 12 exists in fermentation solution. The solution was treated by salting-out (60% saturated ammonium suffate), then deionized and enriched by dialysis, filtrated by CM-C sephadex-Gl00 gel. 中国根霉12(Phizopus chinesis 12)菌株产生的血栓溶酶存在于发酵液中,首先经过饱和度为60%的硫酸铵盐析处理,再 经半透膜透析去离子浓缩后,通过CM-C和Sephadex-G100凝胶层析,浓缩含有活性组分的层析洗脱液,得到血栓溶酶粗制 品。 胞浆素 血溶酶 血纤维蛋白溶酶
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