释义 |
心灵的安宁 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Jade contain multiple microelements which are necessary to body, it has the function of grow shade, smooth hotness, repose, calm mind, healthy and treat disease. 玉石含有人体所需的多种微量元素,有滋阴清热、养神宁志、健身祛病的作用。 - 2
During the complete repose of the mind, these atoms are motionless, they are, so to speak, hooked to the wall... 在意识得到完全休息的阶段,这些原子是静止的,或者说,它们黏在了墙上。 - 3
End, where the mind is left in repose, without expectation of any farther event. (No. 139)beginning.