释义 |
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In 1995, British fake news show Brass Eye conducted an "investigative report" on a street drug they invented called "cake," claiming it affected an area of the brain called "Shatner's Bassoon." 1995年,“黄铜眼”这个英国的“假新闻秀”节目,对他们发明的一种叫“蛋糕”的街头毒品,进行了一次所谓的“调查报告”。报告宣称,它会影响到脑部一个叫做“夏特纳的巴松管”区域。 - 2
One investigative report on the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) recently was rejected for page one because, as one ranking editor put it, the CHA "is not our demographic". 例如,正像一位知名编辑所述,近期一项关于芝加哥房屋管理局的调查报告被从一版撤掉,芝加哥房管局“不是我们的关注的读者类别”。 - 3
A Senate committee produced an investigative report, assembling thousands of e-mails and other correspondence, into events and practices on Wall Street leading up to the banking collapse of 2008. 参议院做了一份关于导致2008年华尔街银行破产事件及案例调查报告,该报告收集了上千封电子邮件及其他信函。