I'm going to listen to an entire broadcast, the full two hours, of a PrairieHome Companion.
It’s about a mile from Waconia, a quiet lakeside community 40 miles west of Minneapolis that is eerily similar to the fictional town of Lake Wobegon in Garrison Keillor’s A PrairieHome Companion.
这儿离沃科尼亚约1英里,在明尼阿波利斯以西约40英里,是个宁静的湖边村落,像极了盖瑞森·凯勒(Garrison Keillor)在广播小说《牧场之家好作伴》(A Prairie Home Companion)里虚构的乌比冈湖小镇(Lake Wobegon)。
Color may add visual appeal to a home decor just as colored flowers can add beauty to a field on a prairie.