释义 |
1 ?重调控制器 ... 重调整:readjust 重调控制器:reset controller 重调:readjustment,reset,re-adjust ... 2 [计]?复位控制器 ...tus/cantrol 存器^/锁存器B),CONTROL LoGIC(控制逻辑), register(状态/控制寄存器),Reset controller(复位控制器),SSR舢订(同步静态Rm幢),S℃ⅢUM controller(缸ⅡtAM控制器),system bus bridge(系统总线桥),systembus connectors HD... 3 ?重置控制器 选择"Reset controller(重置控制器)"并按回车键.选择"Ye s"(是),然后按回
- 1
The key or controller button for the emote wheel may require the reset of the key-bindings to show up correctly. 关键还是对于动作轮控制器按钮可能需要绑定按键复位正确显示。 - 2
The sequence control switches of batch controller are used to start, reset and stop thd batch sequence. 批处理控制器的程序控制开关用于启动,复位及停止批程序。 - 3
While accessing the hard disk, a disk controller reset was needed, but even that failed.