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等离子弧技术 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
High-speed plasma arc cutting technology plasma engineering hot metal cutting, and partial melting with high flow will also be the molten metal blow, form a narrow incision. 血浆高速等离子弧切割技术工程热金属削减部分熔融,并与高流量同样会被熔化的金属吹走,形成一个狭窄的切口。 - 2
Re melt deposit welding process is proposed in this paper. To realize the technology, plasma arc, TIG arc, high frequency induction, gas shield continuous stove and MSW are adopted. 提出熔敷焊接工艺方法,采用等离子弧、TIG电弧、高频感应、气保护连续炉、真空炉和模中熔铸工艺实现了熔敷焊接工艺方法。 - 3
Plasma spray welding power source, which gives energy to plasma arc welding, involves welding technology, power electricals, control theory, computer science and technology, and so on. 等离子喷焊电源是为等离子弧提供能量的电源,涉及到焊接工艺学、电力电子学、控制理论和计算机科学与技术等众多领域。