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1 ?植物胰岛素 ...,25,-豆甾二烯醇-3-葡萄糖甙的等分子混合物)、苦瓜蛋白、5-羟基色胺、多种氨基酸、果胶、类胰岛素或称植物胰岛素(Plant insulin)等。近年来,对苦瓜的研究增多,并显示出苦瓜具有多种的药理作用。
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Spades a germinal main series of products and dietary fiber, Bifidobacterium, soy isoflavones, black beans and plant Insulin Pill series of health food. 主要有黑桃a生发系列产品及膳食纤维、双歧杆菌、大豆异黄酮、黑豆浓缩丸和植物胰岛素等系列保健食品。 - 2
They inserted the human insulin gene into the common safflower plant, which churns out the drug for a fraction of the cost. 他们将人类胰岛素基因植入普通的红花植物中即可产出胰岛素,但成本只是一小部分。 - 3
Prevent diabetes:Konjac plant fiber was medical evidence of increased blood insulin and lower blood glucose control, supporting the prevention and treatment of diabetes has an excellent effect. 防糖尿病:魔芋中的植物纤维被医学证明有增加血液中胰岛素,降低血糖,对控制、预防和治疗糖尿病有极好的辅助效果。