释义 |
1 ?规划区域 ...依靠的空间单元,其注重的是各组成局部的功用联络而非同质性?在匀质区域和功用区域的研讨基础上,出现了规划区域(planning region)?在西方区域经济学文献中有许多规划区域的定义,克拉森(L. 2 ?计划区域 计划区域(planning region)是指实际存 1 .《不列颠百科全书》第4卷,北京,中国大百科全书出版社,1999,194页 区域服务业竞争力评价理论与应用研究 12 在的管理...
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This paper selects some issues in planning region logistics system to study. - 2
Article 2 These measures shall apply to the planning and construction of municipal drain as well as the operation, maintenance and administration of municipal drainage in the city planning region. 第二条本办法适用于城市规划区内市政排水的规划、建设及市政排水设施的运行、维护、管理。 - 3
Above-average conscientiousness was associated with a larger region of the lateral prefrontal cortex, which is involved in planning and voluntary control of behavior. 对于和负责型性格吻合程度较高的受试者,他们前额叶皮层的外侧较发达,而该区域和制定计划以及对行为的自发性控制有关。