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巴克明斯特·富勒 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
R. Buckminster Fuller was a twentieth century scientist, philosopher, inventor, and was also named a great. 巴克敏斯特·福乐是二十世纪的科学家,哲学家,发明家,同时他也是一名伟大的建筑师。 - 2
R. Buckminster Fuller was a twentieth century scientist, philosopher, inventor, and was also named a great architect. 巴克敏斯特·福乐是二十世纪的科学家,哲学家,发明家,同时他也是一名伟大的建筑师。 - 3
PALO ALTO, California – AS the designer R. Buckminster Fuller liked to tell it, his powerful creative vision was born of a moment of deep despair at the age of 32. 设计家伯克明斯特?富勒总爱说,他的强大创造洞见诞生于32岁那年一个绝望至极的刹那。