“我并不知道《反就业年龄歧视法案》(Age Discrimination in Employment Act),但我有种社会公平被破坏的感觉。”她说。
age determination 年龄测定; 年龄鉴别 Age Discrimination in Employment Act (美国) 就业年龄差异法; 就业年龄差异法 age distribution 年龄分布; 寿命分布 ..
... 年龄歧视 Age discrimination 防止老年歧视就业法Age Discrimination in Employment Act 年龄-薪资剖面 Age- earnings profile ...
America led the way with its AgeDiscriminationinEmploymentact in 1967, designed to make sure that the over-40s were given the same job chances as younger people.
America led the way with its AgeDiscriminationinEmploymentact in 1967, designed to make sure that the over-40s (greybeards of their day) were given the same job chances as younger people.