释义 |
1 ?乳油 ... 紫花野百合 rattleboo; Crotalaria spectabilis; showy crotalaria 乳油 raw cream 生皮 raw hide ... 2 ?粗奶油 ... 白奶油 white cream 粗奶油 raw cream 打奶油 beat uthe cream ...
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Assemble your own snacks from a selection of cheese cubes, raw vegetables, pitted olives, dips such as hummus, cream cheese and avocado, as well as mini bread sticks, fruit slices, and natural yogurt. 自己随意选择一些食材来做点心,将小块的奶酪、生蔬菜、去核橄榄,沾些鹰嘴豆泥、奶油干酪、鳄梨,同时与小面包棒、水果切片、原味酸奶一起吃。 - 2
Doctor Robert Small invented the unique formula of the ice cream. The raw materials of its are the finest including Scharffen Berger chocolate, Tahiti vanilla and Argentina caramel. 罗伯特·斯莫尔医生发明了冰淇淋的独特配方,精选各种上等原材料,包括:沙芬?博格巧克力、塔希提香草和阿根廷焦糖。 - 3
Egg products can be substituted in recipes typically made with raw eggs that won't be cooked (for example, Caesar salad, Hollandaise sauce, eggnog, homemade mayonnaise, ice cream, and key lime pie). 蛋制品能够取代在食谱中的未煮熟的生蛋(比如凯撒沙拉,荷兰酱,自制蛋黄酱,冰淇淋,酸橙派)。