... relaxation method 松弛渐近法、逐次近似法 relaxation value (金属)松弛值 relay 继电器 ...
The soldier demand, however, is not bounded, thus its state is B, and a relaxation in it will not change the objective function's optimal value.
然而,士兵需求是没有边界的,因此其状态是 B,这个约束中的放松不会改变目标函数的优化值。
Therefore, a relaxation of one unit in that constraint (an increment of one hour) would make the objective function's optimal value become better by the marginal value 1 and become 181.
因此,这个约束中放松一个单位(增加一个小时)可以使目标函数的优化值增加边界值 1,成为 181。
Commercial and economy value are not only goals for developers to pursue, high quality relaxation and cultural public space complements what consumers pursuit.