释义 |
1 ?所有权理论 所有权理论(比例合并法) 母公司理论 经济实体理论 37 合并理论 所有权理论(proprietorship theory) 认为母公司作为子公司的所有者(之一),按 其享有子公司的股权比例拥有子公司的资产、 负债、收入和费用。 2 ?业主论 ... 业主产权,企业主产权 owners, equity 业主论,业主产权理论 proprietorship theory 产权,业主产权,衡平法 equity ... 3 ?业主产权理论 ... 业主产权,企业主产权 owners, equity 业主论,业主产权理论 proprietorship theory 业主权益, 业主资本 proprietary equity ...
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Consolidation theory involved in consolidated statement has following contents: proprietorship theory, entity theory and parent company theory. 合并财务报表涉及的合并理论有所有权理论、实体理论和母公司理论等。 - 2
In the Capital Theory, Karl Marx put forward the assumption of rebuilding personal proprietorship in the future society, and the imagination had already become a riddle for the later generations. 马克思在《资本论》中提出了在未来社会“重新建立个人所有制”的设想,成为马克思留给后人的历史之迷。