释义 |
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Studying the property and flavor, meridian distribution, pharmacologic action and analyzing of the commonly used Chinese crude drugs, in order to comprehend the rule of Medication. 从使用药物的性味、归经、功效、药理作用做统计,对常用中药做分析,以了解其用药规律。 - 2
Zhanjiang locals eating authentic Cantonese cuisine, but because of the different environment, their climate, property, customs and formed its own flavor of food. 湛江本地人饮食为正宗的粤菜风味,但是因其所处环境、气候、物产、风俗的不同形成了自己的风味食品。 - 3
The crispy fresh jujube produced by the method has dampness resisting-absorbing property while preserving the nutritional ingredients, color, flavor and crispy taste. 所生产酥脆鲜枣的在保存红枣营养成分、色泽、风味和酥脆口感的同时,还具有抗吸潮性。