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practitioner 英/ pr?k?t???n?(r) / 美/ pr?k?t???n?r / 1 ?实际工作者 ... 生产能力capacitytoproduce 实际工作者practitioner 最终结果endresult ... 2 ?从业者 然而,如果你在本国已经有工作,你可以“practitioner(从业者)”的身份在荷兰获取实际工作经验。你的海外雇主必须保证你在回国后继续从事原来的工作。 3 ?开业者 无论官方还是民间,都已发生实质性的态度转变,就连英文称谓也由Practitioner(开业者)成为Doctor(医生)这样明显的尊称. 4 ?实践者 实践者 (Practitioner): 掌握某一行业技能的人。
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They should then be able to refer you to the appropriate type of practitioner, whether it be your GP, dentist, or optician. 然后他们应当能够介绍你去见合适科别的执业医生,不管是你的全科医师、牙医还是配镜师。 - 2
At Columbia, he was trained as a nurse practitioner. - 3
In fact, they are prescribed and they're given at a certain level, a dosage that is understood by a practitioner who's been trained. 实际上,这类补药属于处方药,须由经过训练的职业医师规定剂量。