释义 |
- 实施欺诈:指故意进行欺骗、诈骗或欺诈行为,以获得不当利益或造成损害。
1 ?耍花招 [birth of a girl] 旧时生女的代称(瓦是原始的纺锤,古人把它给女孩子玩) [finagle;practise fraud;employ trickery] 耍花招,用虚伪面目或假冒物品行骗 [birth of a boy] 生下男孩子(璋是一种玉器,古人把它给男孩子玩) .. 2 ?作弊 Practise Fraud(作弊), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 3 ?玩弄手法 [practise fraud;league together for some evil end] 玩弄手法,串通作弊 [measure;look sb.up and down;scrutinize sb.from head to foot] 对[某人]估量,揣度 .
- 1
At ordinary times the purpose of exam basically sees you master homework degree how, so you do not want practise fraud, and should treat it calmly. 平时测验的目的主要看你掌握功课程度如何,所以你不要弄虚作假,而应心平气和地对待它。 - 2
Ding Lei thinks from this, a company is right the biggest liability of the society, it is the product that should have made oneself above all is not practise fraud. 丁磊由此认为,一个企业对社会的最大责任,首先是要做好自己的产品而不是弄虚作假。