释义 |
您要找的是不是: keptadj. 受人资助控制的 | v. 保持;维持;... 短语 - 1
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PPT Excel办公技能 ; 企业白领核心办公技能 ; 具备良好的电脑 ; 核心办公技术
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Datatypes like VARCHAR and CLOB allow you to store plain ASCII text, and BLOBs provide for storage of complex (proprietary) types of data, like.pdf,.doc,.ppt,.rtf,.xml and so on. 诸如VARCHAR和clob之类的数据类型允许您存储无格式ascii文本,而BLOB数据类型允许存储复杂(专有)类型的数据,如. pdf、。doc、。ppt、。rtf、。xml等。 - 2
Today he showed a wrong PPT at the meeting. - 3
I agreed, of course, that we live in a kind of sick "PowerPoint culture," but that PPT is, after all, just a tool. 我当然同意,我们生活在病态的“演示文稿文化”当中,但PPT(演示文稿)毕竟,只是一个工具。