释义 |
1 ?普朗克尺度 这一能量通常被称为普朗克尺度(Planck scale),其数值大致比质子质能大18个数量级。(在这里,宇宙学家仅对结果的数量级感兴趣,因为在嵌入普朗克尺度之后,真空能量的数值极其巨大... 2
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The projection starts off at Planck scale lengths at the Universe’s event horizon, but its projection becomes blurry in our local space-time. 宇宙视界的投射发生于普朗克尺度,所以在我们所在的时空尺度上,这一投射发生了模糊。 - 2
Some theories suggest that the quantum nature of space should manifest itself at the ‘Planck scale’: the minuscule 10-35 of a metre, where a millimetre is 10-3 m. 一些理论物理学家认为宇宙的量子本质应该在“普朗克常数”范围内:即十的负三十五次方米,而一毫米才不过十的负三次方米。 - 3
At its finest scale, we should be able to probe down the "Planck length" which measures 10-35 meters. But the GEO600 experiment detected noise at scales of less than 10-15 meters. 要验证这一点,我们需要深入到普朗克尺度(10 - 35米)进行探测,而GEO600实验中探测到的噪音尺度为不到10 - 15米。