释义 |
把触觉放上去 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?向 Chinesisch - Deutsch W?rt... ... 普通医学 普通医学 = Allgemeinmedizin (u.E.) (S, Med) 普陀 普陀 = Putuo (Ort in Zhejiang) (u.E.) (Eig, Geo) 普陀山 普陀山 = Putuo (u.E.) (Sprachw) ...
- 1
At the end of a long workday on the go, another quick way for Ms. Garcia to touch up her look is to 'put on some divine lipstick,' she says. 当一天结束的时候,加西亚女士还有一个快速提升妆容的方法,就是“涂上鲜亮的口红,”她说。 - 2
The Progressive Book Club, on the other hand, will exist purely online, will include blogs and will put members who live in the same community in touch with each other. 另一方面,前进书友会将仅现于网上,并提供博客,让处于同一社区的会员能联络彼此。 - 3
It can be a good idea to put the money to cover your rent or hall fees into a separate account that you don't touch on a day-to-day basis. 如果你将住宿费化成单独一部分逐日积累而不去动用,那将会是很好的主意。