释义 |
put that and that together 1 ?根据现有事实得出结论 ... that far 那么远,到那里为止... put that and that together 根据现有事实得出结论... and all that and that:等等 ...
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Last year, Laura, Aaron and Vicky put their heads together for Technovation Kids(TK), an international competition that encourages teenagers to create an app that solves a community problem. 去年,劳拉、亚伦和维姬为“科技创新儿童”(Technovation Kids,TK)集思广益,这是一个鼓励青少年开发解决社区问题的应用软件的国际比赛。 - 2
Put these together and you'll see how you can write applications that will look, to most 2g phone owners, like specialized sources of information that can process their requests. 将这些结合在一起,您将发现您可以编写对大多数2g电话所有者而言类似于可处理其请求的专业信息来源的应用程序。 - 3
I was part of the team that put that issue together, and I know why we used the language we did. 我曾是这个问题搜集小组的成员,我了解到我们过去说这些话的原因。