释义 |
刺激 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?刺激 ... 署理职位以待实际升职;署理以待实际升职 acting with a view to substantive promotion 刺激, 促进 put spurs to 促进,鼓励 helforward ...
- 1
They've put Spurs too far away from Arsenal, but many including myself, think that this is the season, Spurs are going to replace Arsenal. 虽然在赔率上阿森那把热刺远远地抛在了后面,但包括我在内的很多人认为,热刺将会在这个赛季取代阿森那。 - 2
While the count picked up the paper he put spurs to his horse, which leaped in astonishment at such an unusual stimulus, and shot away with the rapidity of an arrow. 当伯爵拾起那张报纸的时候,阿尔贝用马刺踢了他的马肚子一下,马象一支箭似地疾驰而去。 - 3
This crunch has put the spurs to the city's sluggish development process, and also shaken off a bit of its hidebound attitude about building design. 这次危机给城市发展缓慢的过程以动力,同时也拜托了它对建筑设计的一些保守态度。