释义 |
- 使某人知道自己的地位或局限性:通过言语或行动让某人认识到自己的地位或能力不如对方。
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Those toys over there need to be put in their place. - 2
Let us all fight this selfishness, opportunism, cowardice and ignorance now rife in Uganda and put in their place truth, manliness, consistency and singularity of mind. 让我们打破这自私、投机、怯懦和无知充斥的乌干达,代之以真理,刚毅,坚定和奇异的精神。 - 3
The idea that humans, for all their technological might, could be put in their place by this volcano—this obscure, unpronounceable, C-list volcano—was strangely satisfying, even thrilling. 尽管人类拥有了强大的技术力量,通过这次火山喷发(这是一个不出名,很难正确发言的C级火山),人类可能意识到自己的处境。 不可思议是,正是这想法让人感到满足,并产生一种莫名的兴奋感。