PODS stores medicalrecord image files on file servers; it USES an IBM DB2 database to store corresponding metadata and a network attached storage array for the image files, including PDFs and text.
PODS在文件服务器上存储医疗记录图像文件;它使用IBM DB 2数据库存储相应的元数据,用网络附属存储阵列存储图像文件,包括PDF和文本。
PODS includes a document repository and metadata repository, pairing medicalrecord files with a DB2 database.
PODS包含一个文档存储库和元数据存储库,可以把医疗记录文件与DB 2数据库关联起来。
One year ago we reviewed a new health app called Practice Fusion, a free, web-based EMR (electronic medicalrecord) system for physicians.