释义 |
1 ?放射性锶 Radioactive Strontium(放射性锶), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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In the nearby city of Yokohama, higher than normal levels of radioactive strontium have been found at three locations. 附近的横滨市有三个地点被发现有高于正常含量的放射性锶。 - 2
Overheating fuel rods then discharge gaseous forms of certain volatile radioactive elements, including cesium, iodine, strontium and tellurium. 然后过热燃料棒释放出某些气态易挥发放射性元素,比如铯、碘、锶和碲。 - 3
The radioactive isotope Strontium-90, one of the by-products of the bombs, spread into the atmosphere, fell onto the land, was ingested by dairy cows and passed into the milk supply. 炸弹的副产品之一的放射性同位素锶-90扩散到空中,降落到地面,被奶牛摄取,然后通过牛奶供应传递出去。