

单词 radioactive contamination
radioactive contamination
  • 简明释义
  • 放射性污染:当放射性物体或放射源没有适当的防护措施时,会导致周围环境、物体或人体受到放射性物质的污染。
  • 网络释义
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    石材、陶瓷的选择又是绿色环保(Green environmental protection)家装的重要一关,放射性污染(Radioactive contamination)是一种隐性污染,没有仪器检测我们是无法感知的,从另一种角度来说其危害性比甲醛、苯更大,我们必须认真对待。

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    radioactive contamination 放射能污染; 放射性污染; 放射线自动显影术; 放射性沾染; 放射性水污染; 幅射污染; 放射性沾污; 随机存取 收藏 artificial contamination test 污秽试验; 人工污秽试验 收藏

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    ... radioactive colloid therapy 放射性胶体疗法 radioactive constant 放射能常数 radioactive contamination 放射能污染 ...

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    ... radioactive chemical element 放射性化学元素 radioactive contamination 辐射污染;放射性污染 radioactive content 辐射含量;放射性含量 ...

  • 双语例句
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    S.Seventh Fleet, stationed 100 miles offshore, repositioned its ships and aircraft after some if its personnel came into contact with radioactive contamination.
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    S. Seventh Fleet, stationed 100 miles offshore, repositioned its ships and aircraft after some if its personnel came into contact with radioactive contamination.
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    In library, the contaminations can be divided into four parts: i. e. chemical contamination, physical contamination, biological contamination and radioactive contamination.
    前言: 图书馆内污染物按性质分为化学性污染物、物理性污染物、 生物性污染物和放射性污染物。




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