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That is a big improvement, and just shy of the record 1, 125 billionaires in 2008. 这是一大进步,只比2008年创纪录的1,125位差了一点。 - 2
Jackson's career record is 1, 098-460, winning at least 55 games in 15 of his 19 seasons. 杰克逊的执教职业生涯记录是1 098 - 460(赢输比译者注),在其19个赛季的15个赛季中,每赛季至少赢下55场比赛。 - 3
Gold trading on the Comex for October delivery rose $21.90 per troy ounce, or 2.2%, to a record $1, 038.60. 纽约商品交易所10月份交货黄金每盎司涨21.90美元,至创纪录的1,038.60美元,涨幅2.2%。