释义 |
1 [矿物]?斜长石 ...% ?现代常以矽酸岩矿物的相对比例来区别火成岩,包含quartz (石英), orthoclase(正长石), plagioclase feldspar (斜长石), muscovite mica(白云母), biotite mica(黑 云母), amphibole group(角闪石), pyroxene group(辉 石), olivine(橄榄石...
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A variety of plagioclase feldspar found in igneous rocks and characterized by brilliant colors in some specimens. 一种斜长岩长石的变体,发现于火成岩中,某些样本中含有丰富绚烂的颜色。 - 2
Symbiosis with acidic potassium feldspar, plagioclase, biotite. - 3
The affecting factors of low value by activation energy determination include heating duration in low temperature stage, pureness of K feldspar and mixture of some plagioclase, quartz et al. 导致活化能取值偏低的影响因素包括低温阶段的加热时间、K-长石的纯度和部分斜长石、石英的混入等。