释义 |
1 ?签发地点 20.签发地点 (Place of Issue):场站收据联 单实际签发地点。托运单上填制“XIAMEN”。 2 ?签证地点 ...数量(Number &Kind of Packages)8.运输工具(Means of Conveyance)9.检验结果(Inspection Results)10.签证地点(Place of Issue) 11.签发日期(Date of Issue)12.授权签字人(Authorized Officer及签名(Signature) 一、原产地证书的定义与作用原产地证明书(Ce... 3 ?出票地点 出票地点(Place of Issue): 汇票 上记载的出票行为的地点。如未 记载,以出票人的营业场所、住 所或经常居住的为付款地。 4 ?发照地点 ... 发照机关 Issuing authority : 发照地点 Place of issue : 有效期至 Valid until ( Day/month/year ) : ...
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Here's something important: "Passport number, date and place of issue, and date of expiration." 这里有几项重要的:护照号码、发照日期和地点以及护照到期日期。 - 2
Let me see... name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure. 让我看一看…姓名,地址,国籍,转投地址,护照号,签发地,签名和离开日期。 - 3
W: Let me see, name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure. W:我看看…姓名、地址、国籍、转投地址、护照号码、发照地点、签名、离店日期。