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粉技术 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Powder preparation, Powder treatments like milling and mixing, Forming into a green shape, Coating techniques, Sintering. 粉体制备,粉体处理如研磨和混合,成型,涂层技术,烧结。 - 2
This paper presents the chemical compositions, phase constitutions, and absorbing behavior produced by new techniques, such as vacuum melting, powder rolling. 本文介绍了采用真空熔炼、粉末轧制等新工艺生产的消气剂产品的化学成分、相组成和吸气特性。 - 3
Due to the surface effect of nanoscale particle, the precursor of nanoscale powder prepared by wet process can form aggregation easily, and so cannot be dried by usual techniques. 由于纳米粒子的表面效应,用湿法制备出的纳米粉体的前躯体在干燥过程中极易形成团聚,已经不能采用传统的干燥方法。